- Observing
- Counting
- Shapes
- Motor Skills
Materials Needed:
- The Kite Festival by Leyla Torres
- Sled kite template
- String
- Tape
- Scissors
(You can use this sled kite template from NASA: Sled Kite Template)
Activity Plan:
Part 1: Read-Aloud
- Begin by reading The Kite Festival by Leyla Torres.
Part 2: Discussion
- Ask the students if they have ever flown a kite.
- Inquire if anyone has made their own kite.
- Excite them by letting them know they’ll get to create and fly their own kite today!
Part 3: Kite Construction
- Provide each student with a sled kite template.
- Show examples of paper maps (similar to what they’ll use for the kite).
- Guide students in constructing their own kites.
Part 4: Take Flight!
- Allow students to try flying their kites outdoors during recess.
- Discuss the importance of wind for successful kite flying.
Today, you became kite-makers and kite-flyers! Remember, when it comes to kites, the wind is your best friend. So, go fly a kite and let your creativity soar! 🪁✨