Learning Standards: Mathematics Foundation 1 - Numeracy
Objective: Early learners develop foundational skills in understanding counting, written numerals, quantity, and comparison.
M1.3: Recognition of Number Relations
- Infant:
- Explore objects one at a time.
- Younger Toddler:
- Identify which group has more items.
- Older Toddler:
- Visually identify sets with significant differences (using terms like “more” or “fewer”).
- Younger Preschool:
- Readily identify the first and last items in a sequence.
- Older Preschool:
- Identify when two sets have an equal number of items using matching and counting strategies.
Materials Needed:
- I Have a Balloon by Ariel Bernstein
- Beach ball or balloon
- String
- Tape
- Small paper cup
Activity Plan:
Part 1: Read-Aloud
- Begin by reading I Have a Balloon by Ariel Bernstein.
Part 2: Discussion
- Ask students if they have ever seen a hot air balloon.
- Inquire if anyone has been in a hot air balloon.
- Discuss what objects resemble models of hot air balloons (e.g., small beach balls, party balloons, water towers).
Part 3: Balloon Exploration
- Blow up a balloon and discuss its shape and color.
- (Alternatively, use a beach ball if available.)
- Blow up another balloon and compare its shape and color to the first one.
- Repeat the process with additional balloons.
- Instruct students to gently tap the balloon (or beach ball) to a classmate, ensuring everyone stays in their spot to avoid accidents.
- Prepare more balloons (or beach balls) for the group to discuss color, shape, and the total number of items.
Part 4: Create a Model Hot Air Balloon
- Collaborate with the students to construct a model hot air balloon for display.
Today, you explored hot air balloons, learned about their shapes, and practiced working together in a fun tapping game. Remember, you can create models, invent games, and even count balloons and other objects! 🎈✨