By Rusty Kennedy
To best serve its members, clubs and programs, the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) has developed recommended duties and responsibilities for its Leader Members (LM). This document outlines LM duties and responsibilities for LMs working under the direction of their respective District Vice President (DVP) and/or Associate Vice President (AVP).
While each AMA club is operationally different, the duties of an LM are universally applicable.
Role of the AMA Leader Member
The Leader member is identified as an individual having an above average interest in the AMA and his/her club, with the desire to assist the Academy in furthering its mission and goals.
- Leader Members are the highest level of AMA Membership.
- AMA Bylaw Changes: There is a provision in the AMA bylaws, which states that only Leader Members have the right to vote on proposed bylaws changes.
- Nominating procedures for national officers require that the nominee be a LM.
- The Leader Member provides a vital communication link between the club and AVP, and even VP. The LM is the local club AMA point of contact at club meetings and events, and acts to facilitate communication between all AMA members, clubs, hobby shops, civic organizations, and the community at large, providing a positive impact on model aviation.
Leader Member Local Duties
1. Get to know the VP and AVP in their region, and encourage each club to have at least one Leader Member.
LM Note: AMA wants to engage LMs to be the AMA liaison within AMA clubs. As AVP’s cannot attend every club meeting or function. LMs should be prepared to provide monthly AMA updates to clubs and members. Leader Members are essential for effective personal communication, particularly in geographically large districts.
- Serve as a liaison between the Vice President and AVP with club members.
- Advise their club on active AMA programs including, but not limited to increasing membership, contests, grants, youth training camps, scholarships, awards, leader clubs and election opportunities.
- Assist clubs with flying site issues with advice and referral to AMA flying site officials.
- Be a mentor to new AMA members and provide them with AMA informational material so that the new member is aware of all AMA membership benefits and opportunities.
2. The Vice President, through the AVP, may establish LM’s specific duties and reporting requirements.
LM Note: The LM should become familiar with their club(s), officers and significant people within their area. It is important that AMA knows which chartered clubs are friendly to new members, and those clubs that are active in their communities and perform charity work.
3. The Leader Member must be active in their club’s activities:
- Attend club meetings and functions.
4. Become familiar with the AMA Membership Manual.
LM Note: Being knowledgeable about AMA's structure and functions helps the LM provide better services and information to members and clubs. This knowledge improves your understanding of the Academy and improves LM credibility!
5. Become knowledgeable of AMA's web sites and know where to go to get information.
- Learn to navigate AMA’s websites and how to download AMA Documents & Membership Manual, and AMA Programs Take Off & Grow “TAG”; Flying Site Improvement Grants, & Disaster Grants; Carl Goldberg Award info, and Scholarship application.
- Become familiar with the Model Aviation Library and how to access prior issues.
- Become familiar with the AMA BLOGS.
6. Read AMA’s print publications and subscribe to all free AMA digital communications.
7. LMs need to become familiar with their district website and learn how to navigate and download information. LMs should also be able to show others how to do the same.
8. Seek and support activities that advance the image and growth of model aviation.
9. Provide your AVP with information and photographs of newsworthy club events and members news. Clubs and members really look forward to seeing their activities in print.
The Academy of Model Aeronautics, all officers and your fellow members thank you for volunteering your time and effort to further the goals and needs of the Academy. Please feel free to contact your Vice President and/or AVP at any time with questions or suggestions.