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Defy Gravity, Avoid a Cavity, and Build an Airplane DIY Valentine

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Because the candy spigot will be flowing full force at most schools, how would you like to encourage children to share something that does not involve sweets?

Are the young people in your life head over heels for aviation? Perhaps you could somehow more fully inspire a budding career, or at least a great hobby.

There are plenty of examples on the internet that will put you on your way to great crafting, but your child is smitten by all things flight.

Encourage that infatuation by focusing on Valentines that are not dependent on Cupid - they “fly themselves” to loved ones.

I am talking about airplane DIY Valentines. This could be the most fun a sweetheart will have landing love letters. It's also the fastest way your child can get a Valentine greeting to the object of their affection.

Here are the steps:
1.) Make a simple paper airplane.


2.) Trim the back of the airplane to give it the look of an elongated heart.

3.) Write a few words for the one you will eventually marry (or maybe just be friends with forever).

How creative can you get with an aviation theme? Here are some samples to get you started: My love is cruising at 50,000 feet for you. Will you be my co-pilot? You're “plane” cool! Our friendship has no turbulence.

For more ideas on how to have fun with aviation and model airplanes, visit the Academy of Model Aeronautics website at

Have fun, watch out for too many sweets, and explore aviation in everything you do!